Music City Marauders Financial Aid Fund


The Music City Marauders are pleased to announce the creation of a Financial Aid Fund for the 2024-25 season. The Marauders organization strives to control the cost of travel hockey so that it as accessible to as many families as possible. To that end, thanks to the generosity of our corporate sponsors and individual donors, we are thrilled to make Financial Aid available to families interested in playing for our organization.

The timeline of our Financial Aid Program is listed below as well as some FAQs. If you have any questions or specific concerns, don’t hesitate to send us an email.

Music City Marauders


Application Deadline for 2024-25 Hockey Season: May 15

Applicant Notification: June 15

Financial Aid Awarded & Applied: June 30


What are the qualifications to apply for financial aid?

The Music City Marauders (MCM) understand that hockey requires a significant financial and time commitment from families. For those families that require additional financial assistance, MCM offers financial aid. Families should complete the application providing contact information, information on the number of athletes in the program, family/house annual income and employer information, and a statement of financial need.

Do all applicants receive financial aid?

There is no guarantee of assistance implied by the application. Applications need to be complete (incomplete applications are not accepted) and must meet the stated deadlines. Applications will be reviewed based on the factors noted in the application and on a case-by-case basis.

Who reviews applications? Will my application be kept private?

Applications are submitted to and reviewed by an independent committee. The application is considered private and will not be shared with anyone other than the Music City Marauders Financial Aid review board.

Will financial aid cover the full season registration?

The amount of financial aid awarded, if any, may only cover a portion of the season registration fee.

Will the financial aid funds go directly to the family?

Financial aid funds will not be paid directly to the individual recipient, but will instead be applied towards season registration fees.